Important information for Scouts attending Hag Dyke

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In public Light Blue Troop /

Hag Dyke gateIf you are going to Hag Dyke on 16th January, please remind yourself of the important information below.

Next Friday, 16th January, sees us make our traditional New Year visit to the Group’s hostel, Hag Dyke.  If you are going, please meet in the main car park in Kettlewell at 20:00 prompt ready to walk up to Hag Dyke.  There are some important points to remember:

  • We will be walking up to Hag Dyke.  Therefore, you need to be wearing outdoor clothing, have waterproofs and must be wearing walking boots that provide ankle support (“walking trainers” are not suitable for Hag Dyke).  Footwear will be inspected in the car park, and any Scouts who do not have walking boots with ankle support will not be able to go to Hag Dyke.
  • Scouts need to carry all their personal equipment up to Hag Dyke, therefore this should be in a rucksack with nothing tied on the outside.
  • Make sure you have enough  waterproof and warm clothing.  The weather on the hills can be very different to the weather in Ilkley, so be prepared and check out the kit list on the “Useful Information” page of the website.

Any questions, please ask a Leader.  We hope that everyone going has an enjoyable weekend.