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In public Light Blue Troop /


from the 10th November the troop will be split into Dark Blue troop (DB) & Light Blue Troop (LB)

Light Blue – Buffalo, Cobra & Hawk

Dark Blue – Owl, Kestrel & Lion

All other dates will be a joint activity (DB & LB)


20th October                       Wide Game – Meet at the Moors Paddling Pool 19.15 hrs

27th October                       Half Term – No Scouts

3rd November                    Bonfire Night, Baked Potatoes, Apple Bobbing

10th November                The Great Egg Drop Game (Patrol Competition) – LB

17th November                The Great Egg Drop Game (Patrol Competition) – DB

24th November                Knots and Lashings – LB

1st December                    Knots and Lashings – DB

8th December                    Hag Dyke Skills Bases ; CB’s, Maps, 1st Aid – LB

15th December                   Santa Float / Xmas Games / Hag Dyke Cooking Skills


5th January                          Hag Dyke Skills Bases ; CB’s, Maps, 1st Aid – DB

12th January                        Hag Dyke Weekend

19th January                        Guess Who Wide Game (Patrol Competition)