Category: Parent

Scouts Hag Dyke June 2023

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An absolutely fantastic weekend up at Hag Dyke! Weather was hot but a good breeze on the summit made it good for walking.

Arrived up late on Friday for a supper and bed.

Saturday was a great walk up to the summit over into the edge of Nidderdale and back round. The Scouts managed to use all their navigation skills throughout the day to both stay on track and use bearings, pacings, and triangulation to locate four WW2 plane crashes on the side of Great Whernside. On return to the hostel there was some napping after a long day, some games, and a BBQ in the evening.

Sunday was some games in the morning, and the patrol leaders tracked down some geocaches the cubs lost a few weeks earlier. Finally everyone mucked in and cleaned the hostel top to bottom ready for the next lucky guests up there before heading down the hill for icecream and home.

Overall a cracking weekend, everyone enjoyed it, and we really got the opportunity to reinforce and practice some tricky navigation.

Scouts win at the torch race again!

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After the last two torch races in Otley got canceled due to covid, we once again returned to our annual district race. Ilkley Explorers retained the trophy for the explorer race, and 1st BR Scouts retained our trophy for thhe scout race. Fantastic result for the group and cracking effort from everyone there. A really tough race and everyone gave their all for a fantastic result! We even got into the Ilkley Gazette

Scout Updates

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  • Water sports day…..

    Success!!! What a day of sailing, windsurfing and raft building. Done dinner; time to rest before the next adventure!!      

  • And here’s the sun again….

    It’s dinner …. in the sun.

  • We have arrived!!!!

    After a short trip down the M1 via Tibshlef services we are on site and camp is taking shape. A little rain then sun but it’s great!

  • Clean sweep winners!

    In the Annual Torch race up the Chevin 1st Ben Rhydding put out two teams this year for the first time. Before the race there is an inspection for the smartest troop. As we were the current holders we wanted to retain the Torch and the award for smartest troop. Expectations for retaining the Torch…

  • St George’s day parade & celebration 2018

    Sunday 29th April 2018 Place: Ilkley Parish Church Meet:Ilkley Park/Riverside Gardens at 14:15 for 14:30 march off This is an important District occasion; please ensure that correct smart uniform is worn as we are on display to the public. As usual there will be a competition for the best turned out Group. We would like…

  • Igloo evening

      This evening, with a change of plans to the programme, the scouts have mainly been playing in the snow making igloos with washing up bowls!!    

  • St George’s Day Parade 2019

    Date: Sunday 28 th April 2019 Place: Johns’ Church, Ben Rhydding Assemble: Ilkley Health Centre Car-Park at 14:15 for 14:30 march off more details in the attached letter below St George’s Day Parade 2019  

  • Historic Date for Scout Troop

    From this coming Wednesday (January 24th 2018) and for the first time since the late 70’s, the Scout troop will be splitting into 2 troops.  This split will see the return of the Light Blue and Dark Blue troops. Light Blue troop will be meeting on a Wednesday 19:30-21:15.  Lead by Fish (Section Leader) and…

  • Wide Game – Friday 19th January

    Tomorrow night is the Guess Who wide game for both Dark and Light Blue Scouts. Scouts should be in full uniform but you must bring warm outdoor clothes and sturdy footwear as you will be outside. The weather forecast suggests sleet so – “Be Prepared !”

  • No Meeting next Friday Jan 12th 2018

    Due to Hag Dyke weekend next week there will be NO meeting at the scout hut.  


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1st Ben Rhydding Scouts is part of the Ben Rhydding (De Mohicanen) Scout & Guide Group.

Our headquarters are on Wheatley Lane in Ben Rhydding and the scout section is for boys and girls aged 10½ to 14.

Week in, week out, we do scouting as best we can; everything from camping to pioneering, and global issues to cooking.

We help develop the young people of today into the best people they can be tomorrow.

If you are interested in joining 1st Ben Rhydding Scouts please fill in this form or email