Weekend away at Hag Dyke in July.

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In public Light Blue Troop /

Hag Dyke gateThe weekend camp we intended to run on 24th June will not be going ahead, but has been replaced with a weekend away at Hag Dyke on 18th July.

Please note this change to the programme, which will see the Troop spending a weekend away at Hag Dyke at the end of July.  This replaces the weekend camp we intended to run in June, which for a number of reasons, including the challenge of dealing with lots of equipment without the Scout Hut, we have decided is not practical to run.

Please see below a letter about the weekend and a permission form which must be completed and returned by Friday 11th July.

If you have any questions, please ask a Leader

Hag Dyke July 2014 Letter

Nights Away Permission Form July Hag Dyke 2014