REMINDER – Summer Camp Parents Meeting – Friday 27th June 2014

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In public Light Blue Troop /

Squirrel WoodA reminder to all Parents of Scouts attending Summer Camp this year.  There is an important Parents Meeting on Friday 27th June 2014.

The meeting will be held at Curly Hill Camp Site at 19:15, and all Parents of Scouts attending Summer Camp are encouraged to attend as there will be important information given about camp.

Prior to camp, every Scout must have a “Nights Away Permission Form”, sometimes referred to as a health form, completed for them.  This should contain up to date health information, details of allergies special dietary requirements and emergency contact details for while we are away.  You can download the form by following the link below.  Please complete the form and bring to the Parents meeting.  If you are unable to attend the Parents meeting, please return the form to Scouts by Friday 11th July at the latest.

Nights Away Permission Form Summer Camp 2014

For those families offering hospitality it is a Scout Association requirement that all adults (people over 18 years of age) have a Disclosure and Barring Service (“DBS”) or Criminal Records Bureau (“CRB”) check completed.  The DBS has recently replaced the CRB, but if you offered hospitality 3 years ago then your CRB is still valid and no further checks are necessary.  If you did not offer hospitality last time, or someone in your household has turned 18 since the last camp, then a DBS check will need to be completed.  Please download the forms on the links below and bring to the Parents meeting together with the evidence required when it will be checked and your application set in motion.

Form OH 2014

DBS document list

A copy of all these forms can also be found on the Summer Camp 2014 page of this web site.