Category: Public

Hag dyke weekend……

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Well looks like they have had a thoroughly terrible time……

Hope they aren’t too tired??

Hag Dyke update…..

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The weather has been excellent this weekend for the Light Blue and Dark Blue weekend at the Hostel.

Let’s hope the weather holds out today.

Hag Dyke – what a weekend!

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Cold wintry conditions makes the annual January Hag Dyke and whilst the amount of snow was limited it didn’t stop the Scouts have a great weekend.

Thank you Hag Dyke you never fail to make it a great weekend!


Remembrance Sunday 100 years

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This year see the 100th year since the end of the WWI in 1918.

As we do every year we are meeting to remember our brave & fallen of all Wars but in particular the scarfice made during the “War to end all wars”.

Please can the scouts attend this years service in full uniform with a poppy meeting at 14.30hrs on Whitton Croft road, behind the library, before parading through Ilkley to the Memorial Gardens for a short and respectful service honouring those who gave their lives.

The scouts to be collected from the service about 15.30hrs.



Water sports day…..

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What a day of sailing, windsurfing and raft building.

Done dinner; time to rest before the next adventure!!




And here’s the sun again….

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It’s dinner …. in the sun.

We have arrived!!!!

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After a short trip down the M1 via Tibshlef services we are on site and camp is taking shape. A little rain then sun but it’s great!

Clean sweep winners!

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In the Annual Torch race up the Chevin 1st Ben Rhydding put out two teams this year for the first time.

Before the race there is an inspection for the smartest troop.

As we were the current holders we wanted to retain the Torch and the award for smartest troop.

Expectations for retaining the Torch were low as we had 2 young teams out.

However both teams ran for all it was worth and they were rewarded with 1st and 3rd. An excellent result well done scouts!!

The performance was then topped off by also winning the smartest Troop award.

So well done to all the scouts involved in both running and those who turned up to support.

St George’s day parade & celebration 2018

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Sunday 29th April 2018ST G

Place: Ilkley Parish Church

Meet:Ilkley Park/Riverside Gardens at 14:15 for 14:30 march off

This is an important District occasion; please ensure that correct smart uniform is worn as we are on display to the public.

As usual there will be a competition for the best turned out Group. We would like to win it again.

YOUR support will be welcome.