Hag Dyke’s 75th Anniversary Open Weekend
Hag Dyke was formally opened in September 1947. We will be celebrating the 75th anniversary on the weekend of September 23rd – 25th 2022 with an open weekend for all […]
| By Callum D
The final information about Summer Camp this year has been published on the web site. It is an ‘Information for Parents’ notice, which confirms the final arrangements for camp. Please take the time to read it, and if you have any questions, please contact us via the leaders@1stbenrhyddingscouts.org.uk email address.
To view and download a copy of the Information for Parents, please visit the Summer Camp 2013 page from the tabs above, or by clicking here.
| By Callum D
Please also complete the Nights Away Permission Form, and the Special Request form (if appropriate) and return to Scouts by 12th July, along with final payment.
Nights Away Permission Form Summer Camp 2013
| By Callum D
For the attention of the parents of Scouts who are attending the Summer Camp in August, the next letter has been published and is available to download from the ‘Summer Camp 2013’ page. This letter confirms some of the arrangements for camp that we ran through at the meeting last month, and also invites you to attend another parent’s meeting.
| By Callum D
Please see the links below for details of the forthcoming weekend camp.
| By Callum D
| By Callum D
Please visit the Programme page to see the programme for the Summer Term up 20th September 2013. From there you will also be able to download a copy that you can print. Remember to check the website each week for any updates, as sometimes plans may change, particularly because of the weather.
| By Callum D
During the meeting we will practice and select a team for this year’s Torch Race. The Torch Race is a District competition of a relay race from Otley town centre to the top of The Chevin. Scouts should come to the meeting with waterproofs and with trainers. Scout uniform should still be worn.
| By Callum D
| By Callum D
This will be held in the swimming pool car park and Scouts should meet at the swimming pool at the normal meeting time of 19:15. All Scouts can attend the practice, not just those who are going to the parade on Saturday, and after the practice the Scouts will move on to the Scout Hut to continue the meeting.
The meeting will finish at the normal time of 21:15 at the Scout Hut.
| By Callum D
The parade is an annual event, which is year is taking place in Otley. Scouts need to meet at 14:00 on East Chevin Road in Otley wearing full uniform (including wearing smart shoes, not trainers). Please be on time as the parade will move off shortly after. After the parade and a church service Scouts should be picked up from the main car park in Otley at 16:15.
All Scouts are asked to attend.