Category: public Light Blue Troop

Important message for Parents of Scouts attending Hag Dyke next weekend 18th to 20th July 2014

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exclamationImportant message for Parents of Scouts attending Hag Dyke next weekend 18th to 20th July 2014

All parents of Scouts attending Hag Dyke next weekend should have received an email to advise of a change in pick up time from the Hag Dyke weekend next Sunday 20th July 2014 from 15:00 to an earlier time of 12:00.

Pick up will still be at the main car park in Kettlewell, but please arrange to collect your child(ren) at 12:00.

There is no change to the drop off time of 20:00 on Friday 18th July at the main car park at Kettlewell.

I would be very grateful if you could confirm receipt of this message by replying to the email, or via a short email to

Important reminder

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importantA gentle reminder that the meeting on 11th July will be held at St John’s church hall, and that money is due for camp and Hag Dyke.

Please note that the meeting this week will be held at St John’s church hall at the usual time of 19:15 to 21:15.  Please attend in uniform.

Also, payment and forms for the Hag Dyke weekend on 18th July are due, and if anyone is still to make the final payment for Summer Camp please can you also bring this down to the meeting.

With Hag Dyke next week, this will be our final normal meeting before the summer holidays, and also our final meeting at St John’s before we return in September to our new hut.

Friday 4th July 2014

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Le tourThere will be no Scout meeting on Friday 4th July 2014.  Enjoy the “Tour” celebrations and see you all on 11th July.

It will not have escaped you I am sure that Le Tour de France comes to Ilkley this weekend.  The local schools are closing early, and we know that there are a lot of people planning on taking in some of the events and activities that are going on in and around the town.  Therefore, we have decided not to hold a Scout meeting on Friday, and wish everyone a very enjoyable and memorable weekend.

Scouts will take place on Friday 11th July as normal, and remember that money and forms for Hag Dyke are due in on that day.

REMINDER – Summer Camp Parents Meeting – Friday 27th June 2014

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Squirrel WoodA reminder to all Parents of Scouts attending Summer Camp this year.  There is an important Parents Meeting on Friday 27th June 2014.

The meeting will be held at Curly Hill Camp Site at 19:15, and all Parents of Scouts attending Summer Camp are encouraged to attend as there will be important information given about camp.

Prior to camp, every Scout must have a “Nights Away Permission Form”, sometimes referred to as a health form, completed for them.  This should contain up to date health information, details of allergies special dietary requirements and emergency contact details for while we are away.  You can download the form by following the link below.  Please complete the form and bring to the Parents meeting.  If you are unable to attend the Parents meeting, please return the form to Scouts by Friday 11th July at the latest.

Nights Away Permission Form Summer Camp 2014

For those families offering hospitality it is a Scout Association requirement that all adults (people over 18 years of age) have a Disclosure and Barring Service (“DBS”) or Criminal Records Bureau (“CRB”) check completed.  The DBS has recently replaced the CRB, but if you offered hospitality 3 years ago then your CRB is still valid and no further checks are necessary.  If you did not offer hospitality last time, or someone in your household has turned 18 since the last camp, then a DBS check will need to be completed.  Please download the forms on the links below and bring to the Parents meeting together with the evidence required when it will be checked and your application set in motion.

Form OH 2014

DBS document list

A copy of all these forms can also be found on the Summer Camp 2014 page of this web site.

Weekend away at Hag Dyke in July.

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Hag Dyke gateThe weekend camp we intended to run on 24th June will not be going ahead, but has been replaced with a weekend away at Hag Dyke on 18th July.

Please note this change to the programme, which will see the Troop spending a weekend away at Hag Dyke at the end of July.  This replaces the weekend camp we intended to run in June, which for a number of reasons, including the challenge of dealing with lots of equipment without the Scout Hut, we have decided is not practical to run.

Please see below a letter about the weekend and a permission form which must be completed and returned by Friday 11th July.

If you have any questions, please ask a Leader

Hag Dyke July 2014 Letter

Nights Away Permission Form July Hag Dyke 2014

Summer Camp Parents Meeting

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exclamationThere is an important meeting on Friday 27th June for parents of Scouts attending Summer Camp.

The meeting will be held at the Curly Hill Scout Camp Site at 19:15 on 27th June 2014.  All parents of Scouts attending Summer Camp are encouraged to attend as you will find out more about camp and important final information.  Please make every effort to attend.

Those families offering hospitality to our Dutch visitors are required to have a Criminal Records Bureau (“CRB”) or Disclosure and Barring Service (“DBS”) check completed for all members of the household who are over 18.  There is no charge to you for having this check completed, but we do require a form to be completed and some documents provided as evidence of identity and address.  If you provided hospitality 3 years ago then your CRB is still valid and there is no need to do a new one.  If you have not completed one before, or a member of your household as turned, or will turn by Summer Camp, 18, then a DBS application will need to be completed.  We will be in touch with those who need to complete a form before the meeting so you can bring the necessary documents with you.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

The Scout meeting will run as normal between 19:15 and 21:15 but meeting at Curly Hill.  This is for all Scouts, not just those attending camp.

Summer Programme

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June2014Watch this space.  Summer programme to be published soon.

The leaders are in the process of planning the programme for the final half term before the summer holidays.  We expect that the programme will be published on Friday 6th June, so check back then for details of the activities we will be doing.

The meeting on Friday 23rd May will be a Wide Game on the moor

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dirty_boot_prints_clipartOn Friday 23rd May the meeting will be a Wide Game on the moor.  The meeting will start and finish at the paddling pool.

The meeting will run between the normal times of 19:15 and 21:15.  Please make sure you have walking boots and waterproofs in case the weather is wet.

IMPORTANT: Change of meeting plans on Friday 9th May 2014

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imagesCAJZIMLGOur plans for the scout troop meeting on Friday 9th May 2014 have changed. Please see below for the new details. 

On Friday 9th May 2014 it is the annual torch race from Otley Town centre to the top of The Chevin.  This is a District event with most scout troops entering a team.

1st Ben Rhydding are entering a team.  Those scouts in the team have been given details of where to meet on Friday already.

For the rest of the Troop we have decided that we should go along and support our team. Please can all Scouts come along and join us. We will meet outside Glide n Slide in Otley at 19:15, please arrange to be dropped off there. Scouts should be collected from the car park at the top of The Chevin at 20:30. Please come in uniform and bring a coat.

St George’s Day Parade 27th April 2014

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importantOn Sunday 27th April it is the annual St George’s Day parade which this year is taking place in Ilkley.

All Scouts are asked to take part in the parade.  We will meet at 14:15 on the road at the back of Ilkley Town Hall.  The parade will then move through Ilkley to All Saints Church for the St George’s Day service.

Scouts must wear full uniform, including smart shoes.  Trainers must not be worn.  There is an award for the Group judged to be the smartest on parade.

Scouts will be dismissed after the church service.

We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.